Share favorite stories where Jesus does something miraculous

In John 6:20-21, we witness a truly miraculous moment where Jesus walks on water towards His disciples during a storm. After He reassures them with, “It is I; do not be afraid,” something even more remarkable happens—once He enters the boat, they immediately reach the shore without any further struggle. (I love this part!)

This story shows not only Jesus’ divine authority over nature but also how His presence can bring instant resolution to seemingly impossible situations.

What are some of your favorite stories where Jesus does something miraculous, like walking on water or other unexplained wonders? Feel free to share personal moments that have impacted your faith!

Feeding the five thousand. He just did it. He didn’t pick and choose who deserved a meal, or who should be fed first. He just fed the hungry crowd.

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He saved me. That was a miracle in itself. Here is the short version of how it happened:

I had been struggling with depression for 8-9 months. I spent those months trying to get free from Depression (which I personally believe is a demon). Somehow, I knew that Jesus was the only one who could free me. So, I prayed the sinners’ prayer 4 times straight without anything happening. I was just about to give up when I heard the Holy Spirit’s voice. He said, “Depression is not the problem; Sin is the problem.” I knew I had to make a choice; waiting until later would be the same as rejecting Him. When I realized this, the Holy Spirit asked me a question: “Are you willing to be bound to God for the rest of your life?” After a few seconds of thought, I made my decision and told Him “Yes. I am.” I was scared that if I prayed the sinner’s prayer nothing would happen, so I prayed all the way through a book called “Returning to Holiness.” He was good on His promise (Romans 10:9-10) and saved me almost before I said ‘amen.’ I was one decision away from forfeiting my chance of receiving salvation.