I am Elthia and I am new in this forum and not sure if I am on the right track with my question or this subject had been discussed before.
My bible group has been studying “Rapture”. One of the questions raised (which I am also a bit confused) is: when a person die, the body and soul are the part of our being that “sleeps”. They are the ones that will rise upon Jesus returns on the second time.
Our being, as I understand it, comprised of a physical body, the soul, and the spirit. (1 Thess 5:23). They have different function:
The body is the physical part we can see and touch, that moves and does all the action(using all the senses - touch, sight, smell, hearing, taste. The soul is the invincible part of our being, that is, our mind (intellect), emotions (sensations), and our growth (eyes). The soul makes the body alive. The soul magnifies God in our emotions and our human limitations. Our spirit is the gift of Jesus to us (also invincible) the only way to connect with God. We can use the spirit if we believe in God and receive Him through Jesus Christ gift of salvation on the cross.
Is it correct to say that the soul is the one figuratively “asleep” (1 Thess 4:15-17) that will be resurrected? The soul that God “breathed the life and became a human living”. Now, the “body” that decayed or becomes dust (cremated) will be given a “new /heavenly body” (1Cor 15:35-36) As soon as the person dies, his spirit immediately returns to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7).
Thank you and my apology for the long introduction.