Spiritual Warfare - Bohemianism

Part of Spiritual Warfare has been a war of words, a war of thoughts. (2 Corinthians 10:5) How does man perceive himself? How does man perceive God? Given The Kingdom of God, man is aligned with The Lord Jesus Christ in such a way that he is of one mind. (Philippians 2:2)

I didn’t really understand Spiritual Warfare until I was in Spiritual Warfare. Given there was a change, or shift in perceptions, and it was going away from God, and The Kingdom of God there may have been a root cause. I discovered root causes of things.

Bohemian is a 19th-century historical and literary topos that places the milieu of young metropolitan artists and intellectuals—particularly those of the Latin Quarter in Paris)—in a context of poverty, hunger, appreciation of friendship, idealization of art and contempt for money. Based on this topos, the most diverse real-world subcultures are often referred to as “bohemian” in a figurative sense, especially if they show traits of a precariat.

Bohemians were associated with unorthodox or political or social viewpoints expressed through free love, frugality, and—in some cases—, van dwelling or voluntary poverty. A more economically privileged, wealthy, or even aristocratic bohemian circle is sometimes referred to as haute bohème literally “Upper Bohemian”. (Bohemianism - Wikipedia)

Bohemians were a subculture in Europe, who rejected God. They were Luciferians. A Luciferian believed God was the dark, and man or something else was the light. They rejected God, and stole what they liked from Christianity, and used it in corrupt ways. They believed in “Free love,” they were prostitutes in debauch. They tended towards socialism and replacing the Church with the state.

A Bohemian may have been like Hippies in 1968, on Haight-Ashbury Street in San Francisco. A Bohemian may have been like Bohemian Grove in San Francisco, where world leaders have met. A Bohemian may have been a well-to-do person in Europe around 1850 or so.

It is worthwhile to be aware of Bohemianism. To engage in Spiritual Warfare, someone may need to know whom The Enemy is. Were you aware of Satan’s Schemes?

  • 5 My son, pay attention to my wisdom;
    listen carefully to my wise counsel.
    2 Then you will show discernment,
    and your lips will express what you’ve learned.
    3 For the lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey,
    and her mouth is smoother than oil.
    4 But in the end she is as bitter as poison,
    as dangerous as a double-edged sword.
    5 Her feet go down to death;
    her steps lead straight to the grave.
    6 For she cares nothing about the path to life.
    She staggers down a crooked trail and doesn’t realize it. (Proverbs 5:1-6)

Did someone really like Bizet and certain Opera? There is a stripping process to growing in faith where false perceptions, false beliefs are stripped from someone. Sometimes, having those false beliefs stripped, it can be “Soul Crushing.” Having someone’s soul crushed…that hurts. That may be like a man laying, screaming into his pillow. That is probably the healthy way. Someone could end up in Wrath where he starts breaking things around his house. That would be bad.

Personally, I have had my soul crushed on multiple occasions.

Satan’s goal was that man serve “Anything other than God.” There is a Philosophic aspect to this. There is a theistic aspect to this.

Why is Philosophy and Theology separate? Why can’t Theology just be Metaphysics? Someone like Thomas Aquinas helped separate the two. Philosophy became Greek Reason, and Theology became Revelation. That is Revelations like The Book of Revelations.

Things of God, an ungodly man may have rejected, or not understood.

To be in a position to receive Revelations, someone may have needed to be “more aligned” with the Prophets of the Bible, and certain Saints. (Philippians 2:2) Faith is a journey, and we are working towards being of one mind.

In understand Satan, there was a Philosophical Aspect. Given someone was 100% Platonic, that would be a Christian Heresy more towards Gnosticism. Given someone was to ask an Orthodox Priest about Greek Philosophy, he may have said “We took what we could use.” A lot of Philosophical ideas or concepts, they may have been like a Rubix Cube. In Spiritual Warfare, Christians worked to line everything up with its purpose in intelligent design, and throw away or cut off things not useful.

There was also a Theistic Aspect. Part of Western Occultism was working to re-learn or re-discover what the wise men and court sorcerers of Egypt and Babylon knew. Some of that ended up in New Age Mysticism. Part of a Theistic Aspect of Satanism may have been people using Kabbalah, like Madonna and Mick Jagger. What exactly are moves like Jagger? Part of the Theistic Aspect may have been other occult books like a “Lesser Key of Solomon.” These theistic parts of Satanism, they were traveling around in Bohemianism.

Why is “The Lesser Key of Solomon” a Lesser Key? Jesus Christ is The Master Key. See how that works? Like a Rubix Cube.