Suggested feature

Good Day Admin Sir!

On every other forum where I’ve participated as a member, moderator or Admin/Owner, there is a feature that allows the clicking of a member’s username (either their name or the avatar image) to open their profile page. Yes, we have that here… but on those profile pages there is usually an opportunity to view all the posts that the particular member has made.

Could we add that here please?

I prefer knowing a little background of a person before engaging with them. One way to learn about a person is to look at a few of their past interactions. Also, it’s a quick way to see what past conversations they’ve participated in, as a matter of interest. Have they only ever made prayer requests on the site? -that’s probably their reason for participating here. Do they post primarily in the Theology or Current Events sections–? There might be common interests that can be seen at a glance… and so on.

On the flip side-- if the site is capable of including this feature, what would be the reasoning to not enable it?


I think I may have just answered my inquiry!

It seems the site does accommodate the feature-- you just have to dive a little deeper to access it.

You can click on a member’s username or their avatar image to open their profile page.

It opens a small window, but if you then click on their username once more within that small window, it opens a full profile page.

On that full page there is a tab that says “Activity” and if you click that tab, it opens a listing of all their posts.


‘Ask and you shall receive’ ‘Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.’

‘Click, to open a window.’

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Yep, you found it. Good job.