How does God judge? There is personal Judgement where a man is judged for his sins in the afterlife. God as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, judging the Nations, that isn’t personal.
Views on Society -
Atomism - A belief that society is made up of a collection of self-interested and largely self-sufficient individuals, or atoms, rather than social groups.
Organicism - A belief that society operates like an organism or living entity, the whole being more than a collection of its individual parts.
Most people, in 2025, given they went to public school in a first world Western Country, they were taught to think more in Atomism. They were taught to value individual rights, and think “independently.”
Many more traditional peoples, who did not have the Reformation, they were taught to think in Organicism. The Bible teaches an Organic Society. Organicism would be the traditional Christian view on society. Some are the hands, some the feet, some the eyes, some the mouth, and so on. (Ephesians 4:11) The Body of Christ is an Organic Society.
Where are the boundaries of the Body of Christ as taught by your Church? This is a drastically different way of thinking, with big implications.
When God’s Judgement fell on Nineveh, that is, Nineveh the city Prophet Jonah was sent to, it was a Body of People, an organic society. Given society is represented by a Pyramid, God may be on top like the All Seeing Eye on your $1 bill. A King or Prophet like Prophet Samuel could also be on top of the pyramid as the leader of society meek to God. The Priests, the pastors, the teachers of society, they are near the top. At the very bottom, there may have been laborers. There may have been trickle down morality. Given the people on top are corrupt, that corruption trickles down. That is a dangerous place to be. God judgement of War, Famine, and Plague, that is something he has let loose from time to time. (Ezekiel 5:12) God judges the false teachers more harshly. (James 3:1)(Matthew 18:6)
This is a big shift in thinking for a lot of people. They should pray and reflect some with God.