The Nebuchadnezzar Diet! 🙌

The Nebuchadnezzar Diet! :raised_hands::cow2:

That’s right, folks, if you’ve been searching for a “biblically-inspired” way to shed those extra pounds, look no further! Just like ol’ King Nebuchadnezzar himself, you’ll be dining exclusively on freshly harvested grass for a full 7 years! :ear_of_rice::plate_with_cutlery:


  • 100% all-natural, organic, and gluten-free! :muscle:
  • No need to worry about carbs, sugar, or calories (unless grass gets fancy in year 3 :man_shrugging:)!
  • It’s the ultimate way to reconnect with nature—literally! :sheep:


  • No bacon. :bacon:
  • You might need a lawnmower as backup.
  • May lead to sudden urges to moo :cow: or run with the goats.

Who’s in? :joy: #NebuchadnezzarDiet #GrassFed #BiblicalDiet #SevenYearChallenge #MightNeedMoreThanFaithForThis


I will recommend this to my vegan friends!:stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s better than John the Baptist’s diet :rofl:. But just the thought of going without bacon for 7 years horrifies me :scream: :scream:! lol

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