Trump vs. Harris - Who will win?

Trump vs. Harris - Who will win?

  • Trump will become President
  • Harris will become President
  • A third party will win the election
0 voters

This isn’t about who you want to win but rather who you actually think will win the election.

Who will win? The one who gets the most votes.



Is the winner really the one with the most votes?

This is in fact-- true.

The candidate that gets the most votes in each State, gets all the electoral votes for that State and the candidate that gets more than half (270) of the electoral votes becomes President.

Trump is building a significant lead in the electoral college vote race.

Harris supports unlimited access to abortion, repeal of the Hyde amendment, and ending the filibuster. All of these action will have a detrimental effect on our nation.

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No, it’s not true. Because of the electoral college, the candidate with the most votes may not win the election. Gore received over half a million more votes than Bush in 2000. Hillary Clinton received 2.9 million more votes than Trump in 2016, but Trump got more electoral college votes.

Maybe you are not familiar with how the Electoral (electrical???) College works, but I am. If you were to read what I wrote, I explained that “the candidate with the most votes in each State gets all the electoral votes for that State.”

That’s how it works Neal. It doesn’t mean that the Presidency goes to the candidate with the most votes nationwide (popular vote) but each Electoral College vote does indeed go to the candidate with the most votes in each particular State. This is the whole purpose of the Electoral College system, so that populous States like California or New York do not impose their will upon small States with few people, like Wyoming.

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I apologize. I was replying primarily to your first line of “This is in fact - true”. The original question was [Is the winner REALLY the one with the most votes?] - and the answer to that is “Not necessarily”, as we both know.


“ The press regularly claims that politicians have lied about something. Many such claims are about trivial matters and others are really statements of opinion. The “lie” in such cases is nothing more than believing something rejected by the media outlet.

There is one form of lying that every voter should care about as an extremely high priority.

Will this politician actually do what he or she claims that he or she will accomplish?

Voters are sick and tired of politicians who promise to do one thing and then do something quite different.

We should ask ourselves two fundamental questions about every candidate—not just those running for president.

  1. Will this candidate keep his/her promises?
  2. Do you agree with the goals of these promises?

Keeping your promises is the highest form of political integrity. Changing your views to win an election is the lowest form of deception.”

Michael Ferris

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Candidates make promises only congress can keep.

Many promises are offered with no intention of following through.

Both parties candidates do this.



Can you identify an example?

I can. Harris suddenly thinks the border wall is a good idea!

My dad was a city Alderman back when I was a small child. His entire platform was “Honesty and Integrity”. Finally, one year, he lost. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I found out that he lost because someone actually ran against him, making grandiose promises, while my father refused to promise anything that he couldn’t 100% follow through with. The people ignored the years my father ran in good stead in favor of pretty lies.

One of the many (many, many) reasons I hate politics.


Root beer in all the hallway water fountains!

Well… I voted in the poll. To be clear the question isn’t who you want to win but who’s think will win.

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Trump promised to build a wall, not a rusty fence and Mexico would pay for it.


Why was the work stopped?

Now, as a candidate for president, her border security plan includes filling in strategic sections of the wall along the nearly 2,000-mile southwest border, given her endorsement of the failed bipartisan bill that she now says is the foundation of her border policy.

In San Diego Padres terms… that’s a swing and a miss.

So our poll was correct.
(I was wrong… I thought Harris would eek out a victory if only barely)

Electoral College was firmly trending for Trump for several weeks leading up to the election, even though the media did their best to hide the fact. For those folks who get their news elsewhere, it was no surprise victory-- the blue wall was imaginary (like their border wall).

Significant that Trump also demolished her in the popular vote. That should be no surprise either-- she just wasn’t popular. Didn’t get a single primary vote and when she ran in the primary-- she didn’t even poll at 1% dropping out before Iowa.