Trying to use a Bible Version with Audio for my Reading Plans

Greetings Everyone!
In trying to utilize a bible version with audio for my reading plans (New Living Translation), I can’t seem to get it to open up onto my screen when I click on that version. Also, any version I choose seems to not want to stay selected. Anyone else have this trouble, and know how to fix it? Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Thank You!

See if you can go straight to this link: New Living Translation Audio Bible Online
Then click on each book and the player should open within the page. Certain browsers can have difficulty with the embedded player, but want to make sure you can first get to the NLT page.

Unfortunately, that’s a very dated reading of the Bible. It’d be nice if it were more contemporary sounding.

I recommend YouVersion (aka They have a lot of translations and has audio. It also has a lot of devotionals and a daily prayer guide. I’m sorry if I sound like a commercial; I DO use it daily.