What Current Trend Is Gonna Look Most Ridiculous in 10 years?

What Current Trend Is Gonna Look Most Ridiculous in 10 years?

In 10 years, today’s trends might feel outdated or ridiculous. From AI-generated content to viral TikTok dances, this discussion invites predictions on which current fads we’ll cringe at in the future. Share your thoughts!

#FutureTrends #CulturalShifts #WhatWereWeThinking #TrendWatch #PopCulture

Trends come and go, and what seems cutting-edge today can feel downright cringeworthy a decade later. Remember the obsession with selfie sticks or the popularity of overly-filtered photos? Now we’re surrounded by trends like AI-generated everything, oversized streetwear, and TikTok dance challenges.

Which current trend do you think we’ll look back on in 10 years and wonder, “What were we thinking?” Share your predictions—whether it’s a fashion statement, a social media craze, or a lifestyle fad.

My observation is to note that some trends don’t so much go away as to be taken up by different groups.

For example; tattoos.
In the 1960’s and earlier, you typically only saw “ink” on sailors and street thugs.

Today, I’ve seen everything from tiny “NSync” stars on a hand to “tramp stamps” across the lower back to body covering art on young women you’d never expect to see them on.

This is my friend Charlie and his wife Lauren. I’ve known Charlie’s family since before he was born. Today, Charlie is a fairly well paid tattoo artist. I don’t think Charlie does Lauren’s art, but they clearly both enjoy having it!

I know there are verses that say things about not making marks on our flesh … personally, I feel this is in regards to using it as a means of worship -or- to identify yourself as following a deity. And, I also happen to know a couple of associate pastors who have ink themselves!

Me personally, thanks to Charlie, I have an idea of how long it takes to do that work for the big stuff. Also, having had twelve major surgeries in my life, I decided a LONG time ago that for me, needles are by MEDICAL NECESSITY ONLY!

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Vaping. Coating your lungs in nicotine and oil.

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Voting for overt malignant sociopaths - it will be sern through, it may be too late though.

Yes-- Face tattoos! Who ever thought that was a good idea?


And hoping that the trend for young men to belt their pants around their thighs below their butts… anyone remember “Pants on the Ground?”