What does effectual fervent prayer mean?

I’ve come across the phrase “effectual fervent prayer” in the Bible (specifically in James 5:16), and I’m curious about what it really means. How do you understand “effectual” and “fervent” in the context of prayer? Does it relate to the intensity, faith, or something else?

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When looking at words or phrases, I always like to look at the NASB.
This particular verse reads as:
“…The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”

The word for “effective” is Energeo which is a verb and means the following:

  1. to be operative, be at work, put forth power
  2. to work for one, aid one
  3. to effect
  4. to display one’s activity, show one’s self operative

I would conclude that it means a righteous man actively praying and doing all he can to bring about the desired goal while also praying.

Great question!


That’s great - thank you!

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