What Is the Rapture and When Will it Happen?

pablo - 2021-03-26T143713.715

When do you think the rapture will take place?

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The ā€˜raptureā€™ is the rising of the church of God to meet with the Lord in the air, immediately after the First resurrection of the dead in Christ into incorruption, and the changing of them which are alive and remain into immortality.

It will happen when the Lord returns for His church with the sound of the trump of God and the voice of the archangel (I Cor 15: 52)(I Thess 4: 16).

When that day is, is not known by any man, not even the man Christ Jesus, but only the Father knows that time and day. (Matthew 24: 36) In fact we are not even supposed to know the exact time and date (Acts 1:7).

We do know that the First Resurrection and ascension of the church will not occur, until all the brethren that are to be slain for the Word of God during time of great tribulation is fulfilled (Rev 6: 10-11). And since that day will be with Jesusā€™ return (at least to the air), it will be likely toward the end of the last days. Furthermore, that day of the Lord will be as a thief in the night, and we are admonished to watch for Him unto the end. Either the end of our witness, or remaining alive unto the end of the last daysā€¦

A little note: The 1st resurrection and changing of bodies will plainly occur in a moment and the twinkling of an eye. But that does not necessarily apply to the rising into the airā€¦

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I have a great pastor that I watch online in addition to our home church. He has an incredible video(s) about this very question! Heā€™s all scripture based all the time, I can confirm bc I check everything and everyoneā€¦ His preaching is wonderful, heā€™s on fire for God and spirit filled!! I hope you enjoy!! Iā€™m leaving a short one here for & also a longer video about the ā€œEnd Timesā€ that covers The Rapture, Tribulation,& The Second Coming of Jesus Christ!

Instead of just leaving videos as a responseā€¦ could you take the time to summarize perhaps?


Sure thing. These arenā€™t my videos or anyone I am associated with. They are an amazingly scripture based explained those that may find an in depth analysis much more helpful ā€¦

It is somethiing made up by a biblical scholar in the early 19th century. Modern beliefs of the rapture are created by a misunderstanding of scripture.


Dr. Dale,
Sorry to respond many months after your comment, but I believe RobertPNlktā€™s response on the subject is closer to accuracy than yours, because it has more biblical bases, as you read the Bible (especially in Matthew and Revelation) in chronological & reasonable order:

"The ā€˜raptureā€™ is the rising of the church of God to meet with the Lord in the air ā€¦ after the First resurrection of the dead in Christ into incorruption, and the changing of them which are alive and remain into immortality.

It will happen when the Lord returns for His church with the sound of the trump of God and the voice of the archangel (I Cor 15: 52)(I Thess 4: 16).
When that day is, is not known by any man, not even the man Christ Jesus, but only the Father knows that time and day. (Matthew 24: 36) In fact we are not even supposed to know the exact time and date (Acts 1:7).

We do know that the First Resurrection and ascension of the church will not occur, until all the brethren that are to be slain for the Word of God during time of great tribulation is fulfilled (Rev 6: 10-11). And since that day will be with Jesusā€™ return (at least to the air), it will be likely toward the end of the last days. Furthermore, that day of the Lord will be as a thief in the night, and we are admonished to watch for Him unto the end. Either the end of our witness, or remaining alive unto the end of the last daysā€¦

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The rapture is the invention of John Darby in 1830. This concept has caused more anxiety, arguing, and general discord than most other attempts to make Revelation read literally rather than allegorically.

I believe it ranks next to Dr. Welchā€™s belief that wine in the Bible was grape juice, in an effort to convince Christians that alcohol consumption is sin. All those folks upset at the wedding because they ran out of grape juiceā€¦:roll_eyes:

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Well, we are at odds. The rapture is a 19th century creation of a man with a fertile imagination.


No one is lying. This is historical fact. And if you study Ancient History and languages, You may get a more accurate take on Thessalonians. No need for name calling.

Iā€™m not talking about historical accuracy! Iā€™m talking about biblical accuracy!
FYI, the phrase translated as ā€˜Caught upā€™ comes from the Latin word Raptus which means rapture. Howā€™s that for Ancient History and Languages?

(P.S. Iā€™m not calling anyone a liar Historyprof)

You are not making sense. Historical accuracy and proven fact are vital to the interpretation of scripture. Without it, you wind up in error-and defending error.

And with language study comes context and culture - something we canā€™t get from a Google search.

Iā€™m a panmillenialist personally.

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Those who disagree with you are hopeless?

Ignoring fact in favor of your fictional interpretation is dishonest, and leaves you incapable of discussing the topic with integrity. No use to continue this with you.

Good day, sir.

I always thought the Rev. passage applies only to martyrs during the Tribulation and that the Rapture is to occur before the Trib.

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It will all pan out in the end? A good take on the topic!

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You got me. Iā€™m guilty. :slight_smile: