I’ve never had to clean up an elephant’s stall but I’ve had to do some nasty jobs… what was your worst ever job?
One of the worst jobs I ever had was working for the YWCA.
My first day was the day that they publicized that the initials would no longer stand for “Young Women’s Christian Association”, but would just be letters standing for nothing, cutting all ties with Christianity.
I had applied because I THOUGHT it was a Christian organization. Not only was I woefully wrong, but I was often bothered and belittled for my faith. To make matters worse, there was a “teen clinic” attached; I could tell you some nightmare stories of that!
I agree. I was in YMCA in 215. I couldn’t use swimming pool. Much activity going on. Frustrating.
They wouldn’t reimburse me part of my money back. Told me to come 5 am to use pool.
Worst job.
Home Depot.
I was janitor. Ring leader named Crystal, was using slander and sowing discord. They figured out I was Christian. When I confronted it with assistant manager. He denied it.
I believe Satan was behind it. I was covert in planting seeds for God. One young Guy converted to Christianity and repentance.
I think this was why it escalated. I ended up being transferred. I Left few months later.
You have to be threat for Satan to be in hot pursuit.
My worst jobs: was selling photograph packages by phone for Olan Mills (remember that studio?)
A Christian radio station that consistently bounced payroll checks.
A boss who treated workers like dirt, screamed, threatened, cursed, etc.
Best job: teaching.
My worst job was also my best job. Before I became I firefighter I worked as an electrician apprentice up in Southern Alberta Canada. Bitter cold winters. There’s nothing quite like running metal conduit and trying to splice wires with hand tools when it’s -40. Insulated coveralls and boots and off to work I go each morning in the dark, and work until dark as winter days are short. Staying in local hotels four nights a week on out-of-town jobs constructing hospitals and court houses… it was difficult work.
Every job since has been cake by comparison, so I remain thankful for having done the work and having earned a journeyman electrician certificate gave me skills I’ve used life-long.
Being a lawyer. I spent 40 years as a lawyer without really being a lawyer for more than a couple of them.
Any other ghastly jobs - branding cattle, working in a bottling plant, mounting tires, selling life insurance - never lasted long enough to be more than blips on the radar screen of my life.
I wondered how long it would take you to step out.
I used to work at a beef plant. I called it the disassembly plant. Most of the time I worked there was spent loading boxes of beef onto trucks and running forklifts. Some of the other jobs I had were cutting the tenderloin off the side, cutting short ribs, and cutting armpits.
One day a supervisor came up to me and said someone called in sick and they needed me to fill in for them. I was lead into a warehouse bigger than a football field. Rails of sides of beef hung from the ceiling.
They handed me a leather hernia belt.
I’m a big guy, but I was by far the smallest one around. The other workers all looked like they could play guards in the NFL.
My job was to walk down to one end, grab six sides of beef and push them to the other end. Repeat until the end of your shift.
That sounds awful. Almost (but not quite) as bad as being a lawyer.
Maybe it’s helpful to hear that they definitely do still identify as the Young Women’s Christian Association, and that they have made a monumental positive impact in my life.
I’m sorry you had such a bad experience. That’s really unfortunate.
I had a job in sales that I really did not enjoy at all. I could sell a service or product that I stood behind, all day long… If I also felt or believed that the person I was trying to sell it to wanted or needed it. When your income and thus means to support yourself and your family rides on you being dishonest with yourself or others… How can that possibly work out in a positive way?