For me, one of the best reminders of God’s faithfulness is when I look back and see all He has done for me in the past. Did you have any prayers on your heart over this past year that you’ve seen God faithfully answer? In ways you expected or maybe in ways you didn’t?
A Sunday a couple of weekends ago we had to drive our younger daughter back to college. Halfway home, our van broke down. However, we broke down in the town where a couple of dear friends live. Before I called them, my husband suggested calling my brother. As I was about to, I must have already hit the friends’ number, as I heard, “Hello?” on my phone. They drove out to us, helped us get our van to a place where we could leave it until we could get it towed, and loaned us a vehicle to use until ours was fixed.
While the husbands were looking over the van, the wife & I were talking. She told me that their church had an event that day…but she & her husband decided not to go, making them available to help. I realized right then that my brother had gone camping & wouldn’t have been available.
Fast forward a week. The van is fixed & we needed to get the other vehicle back to the friends. They called us Saturday night, telling us that their daughter was coming to visit them on Sunday…a daughter who just happened to live just 3 blocks away from us!
God definitely had His hand on that whole situation!
I have a terminal illness, and the meds I need are 11,000.00 every six weeks. The pharmaceutical company covered half, and a local cancer center’s charitable arm covered the rest. The medication has worked very well.
For me God has been faithful in so many ways. He’s been there and shown Himself strong on my behalf. I am vert grateful.