What were your top key takeaways from the 2024 Presidential Debate?

Tuesday night’s debate between former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris was the first between the two and is speculated to be the last since Election Day is only about eight weeks away. As a Christian, what were your top takeaways from the debate?

5 Key Takeaways Christians Should Know from the Trump/Harris Debate

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Win McNamee/Staff

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That Trump is incompetent, unfit for office, and is still capable of using his minions to overthrow democracy and establish a dictatorship as he tried to do on the infamous January 6 th

Fact checker clocked over twenty untruths from him, and one untruth from Harris

And this morning it has been obvious that the Christian nationalist agenda is favored by by many Christians rather than our Democracy that has kept them free since our nations beginning.

That Harris is in favor of fracking, which in environmentally unsound,

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Someone who is knowledgeable of the news posted that she found 21 falsehoods from Harris; not a single one was addressed. ABC is a liberal station, so of course they gave her some leeway.

Multiple fact checking sites are reporting the overwhelmingly that Trump made more wrong statements than Harris.

And the rumor that Harris wore earrings that would cause distortion when Trump spoke is false.

And no one is eating cats and dogs, and babies are not being delivered and killed. Teens are not being forced to have reassignment surgery.

Fact-check.org And Snopes are fact checking.

Who is the person who is knowledgeable about this news?

Why do we have this topic on a site that should be devoted to finding and learning more about Jesus?

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While our primary focus is on faith and growing in our relationship with Jesus, discussing current events helps us apply biblical principles to the real-world issues we face today. Engaging with what’s happening in the world through the lens of our faith helps us live out Christianity in every area of life, just as Jesus calls us to do.

I hope that answers your question. If not, I’ve created this topic for you to continue the discussion.

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I’m not understanding the point that the article is trying to make. It’s titled 5 key takeaways Christians should know… but fails to offer any.

What are the 5 key takeaways for Christians?

What the article seems to do, is simply rehash 5 topics that were mentioned during the debate, but it doesn’t at all frame these as particularly important for Christians. These are all American societal and economic issues. Where should a Christian stand on these topics? Does the article offer any guidance for Christians?

Secondly, it swings and misses key facts-- for example, the article begins as the debate did, discussing the economy:

The first question of the evening was about the economy and was aimed at Harris. Muir asked Harris if she believed Americans were better off now than they were four years ago.

It would certainly be worth mentioning that VP Harris never answered the question. She didn’t even attempt to. A non-partisan moderator would never have left that fact untouched. An appropriate follow-up after her non-answer would have been-- 'But are we better off now than we were four-years ago?"

It’s a yes or no.

Inflation is soaring-- food, gas and housing are all more expensive and Americans are crippled by the costs of illegal immigration that Harris is directly responsible for, having been tasked with the Border problem by President Biden.

Americans are not better off after four years of Biden/Harris… which is precisely why she avoided answering the question entirely.

As Christians— a key takeaway might be to ask if the candidates are fundamentally open (transparent) and honest in the answers they offered about the economy.

Should we continue?

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Uhh… yeah… please do


The second topic was tariffs. Let me frame it like this, for the sake of the POINT of the article-- What is the key takeaway for Christians on tarrifs?

I hope you can see the silliness of framing the topic as if it has some particular import (pun intended) for Christians.

Trade deficits, tariffs, taxes, inflation and every economic issue affects Christians and non-Christians alike. Trump deflected from the question by directly denying the claim that his policies would result in Americans paying higher prices as a result of tariffs. History proves his point-- He answered, "I had virtually no inflation…" fact check-- true.

It can be argued that the trade deficit increased during his Administration, but as the conversation turned to China in particular-Trump was successful in bringing down the bilateral trade deficit with China, as result of the tariffs he imposed on more than $350 billion worth of Chinese goods. Final figures show the trade gap with China totaled $311 billion in 2020, down sharply to the record high of $419 billion in 2018.

Harris correctly stated that under Trump, America had ‘one of it’s highest trade deficits.’

What she didn’t mention is that it dramatically increased under the Biden/Harris Administration — After Biden took office in 2021, the trade deficit continued to soar. It reached its highest point ever in March 2022, 14 months into Biden’s presidency. The annual trade deficit for that year totaled nearly $1 trillion.

Again, this isn’t a Christian issue, beyond the blatant dishonesty,

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The third topic should be considered essential to adherents of the Christian faith. So what was the key takeaway that the article author offered>???
That’s the problem-- they didn’t offer any key takeaways for Christians at all.

VP Harris raised the matter of faith directly–

“One does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government, and Donald Trump certainly, should not be telling a woman what to do with her body,” she said.

Really? What faith is she talking about? Certainly not Christianity-- so here’s a key takeaway I’ll offer on the topic. There is a stark difference between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris on the core Christian issue of abortion.

Trump is decidedly pro-life and in favor of restrictions on abortion.
Harris is decidedly pro-abortion and not in favor of restrictions.

When asked directly if she was in favor of any restrictions, she dodged the question. When confronted with the fact that several States do not restrict abortions on even full-term viable children, even up to the moment a woman’s water breaks, both the moderators and Harris lied, and tried to tell the American people that no State would allow this. This is false- currently, six states and Washington, D.C., do not impose any term restrictions. In addition to those six, Virginia too, would allow abortions beyond 8 months of pregnancy. Another four States don’t impose restrictions until that 8 month mark.

Trump suggested that the moderators should ask Harris if she supports these late term abortions, but of course they wouldn’t comply, and didn’t ask her. They might have asked her also about her time as District Attorney in California when she prosecuted the citizen journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby parts. Planned Parenthood is one of her largest donors.
Concerned Women of America CEO and President commented–
“The American people and the citizens of California have had enough of corrupt politicians who abuse their power for political gain.”

Harris said-- that she believes the government shouldn’t be telling women what to do with their bodies…

She certainly thought differently when the government was telling women, men and children alike that they must inject untested vaccines into their bodies, or lose their freedoms, their jobs, their rights to attend school, etc. She certainly wasn’t pro-choice during COVID.

The fourth topic was immigration and border security-

Trump secured the border. Harris opened it. As Border Czar, she didn’t even bother visting it despite being put in charge by the President of solving the root causes of illegal immigration. Instead of solving the problem, they incentivized it. They cancelled Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policies and opened the doors wide open to assylum seekers. They even flew migrants in from places like Haiti, deliberately placing them in Republican strongholds, like Springfied, Ohio- a city with a population of only 60,000 people forced to receive 20,000 Haitian immigrants. Not voted upon, not agreed upon… forced upon.

You pick up the tab.

Along with border security, Election security is hand-in-glove with the issue as Democratic-run States work tirelessly to provide ID’s and Driver’s Licenses to illegal immigrants, while registering these same illegals to vote in the upcoming election. It’s as purposeful as it is deceitful and illegal.

Should it matter to Christians? What was the “key takeaway” in the article for Christians…? Again, there wasn’t one.

Should we welcome immigrants, shelter and house them and try to get them registered to vote as many NGO’s including Catholic charities endeavor to do? Do we have an obligation to open our doors, homes, schools and hospitals to illegal immigrants, indeed erase our borders and welcome the world?

We do not. There is a process and a rule of law governing immigration, just as there was in antiquity dating back to Abraham and beyond. Kamala Harris failed in her role and America has suffered the consequence of that failure.

It is not ‘un-Christian’ to lock our doors at night-- not because we hate immigrants, but because we love our families.


[30/How Trump has made election lies a key feature of his campaign | PBS News

(Trump TV Ad Repeats False 'Border Czar,' Illegal Immigration Claims - FactCheck.org)

Finally-- the Ukraine War.

Does it matter to Christians? What should Christians ‘takeaway’ from Trump and Harris’s respective positions?

Harris (and Biden) have vowed absolutely unlimited resources to ensure the war continues inevitably until Russia surrenders. We will pledge “as much as it takes, for as long as it takes.”

Today, Putin declared war on the West including NATO if Ukraine is permitted to use missiles that can reach targets in Russia. A provoked escalation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a warning to the West and NATO countries that they will be “at war with Russia” if Ukraine is given the green light to use long-range missiles on targets inside his country, Reuters and Agence France-Presse reported.

Trump has repeatedly stated that the Ukraine/Russia conflict would never have occurred if he had remained President after the 2020 stolen election.

In fact, on Feb. 19, 2022 Harris was sent by President Biden to Germany to deliver a speech in which she warned that the U.S. and its allies would “impose significant and unprecedented economic costs” if Russia attacked Ukraine.

Russian then invaded Ukraine five days later on Feb 24-- like her ineffective duty on Border Security and the subsequent invasion of America, she was equally ineffective in deterring the invasion of Ukraine.

We have now funded the killing of Ukrainian and Russian citizens beyond the budget for our own Armed Forces. Let that sink in.

Is it Christian-like to fund an unending foreign war?

I think the people need to remember that when Donald Trump entered office, depending on the statistician one believes that national debt was between 13.1 trillion and 16 trillion. When he left office the national debt was 32 trillion. It’s not only the highest debt in history, statistically based on all other factors it’s the highest statistical debt in history. What is a Christian issue is if our debt continues to climb the country will be on a precipice of no return.

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The thing here is Ohio wasn’t the only city that had immigrants shipped to them. They weren’t doing this to just GOP strongholds… everyone was getting unplanned immigrants regardless of what the citizens of those cities wanted.

When your lens is skewed to one political view it is not the spirit of Christ. This article is quite disingenuous and only discussing the talking points of one party. May I remind all that in Jesus letters to the seven church he admonished five of those churches, clearly things have not changed when you can ignore the irresponsible nonsense coming from Trump. Clearly the leaders of the church don’t believe that they have a great responsibility to truth.

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What comes after Russia overtakes Ukraine again? The overtake of much of Western Europe. There is a long history of Russia /So viet Union doing this, and their land grab empowers the Communist regime to turn West. Containment policies are needed once again. To practice isolationism at this point is ignoring a threat to our future, Communism along with its opposite, Fascism, are evils we must fight against even if it is expensive.

If anyone needs sources concerning Soviet / Russian threats post WWII, please let me know.

I never said this only happened in Springfield, Ohio. I provided an example.

You are right, this is happening in many cities. Republican Governors were so over-run with asylum seekers that they began bussing them out of their States and into Democrat-run cities. This brought much needed attention to the issue. Suddenly places like Martha’s Vineyard started seeing busloads of migrants show up. That enclave of 200,000 of some of America’s richest people would not tolerate even 50 migrants sent from Texas. They shipped them out again in a day.

New York was also the recipient of asylum seekers from States like Florida, Texas and Arizona— southernmost States vulnerable to an open border policies of the Biden/Harris Administration that encouraged illegal immigration from South America, Haiti, and truly-- the world.

But it was not ‘unplanned.’ It was orchestrated and by design. American citizens were not given a choice or even a voice.

Actually, they were given a choice. Biden never hid the fact that he was going to pull that malarky. The American people chose to allow it by voting for him at the poll.