When Is it Too Late to Save Your Marriage?

When Is it Too Late to Save Your Marriage?

When people first get married, everything is great. You are passionately in love, and nothing can bring you down from the newlywed high that you’re on. What most people don’t understand at the beginning is that marriage takes work. This forum will discuss how to know when it’s simply too late, and perhaps signs that there is still hope to save the relationship.

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In marriage, you will go through difficulties; times when you aren’t as enchanted with each other as you used to be, and times when things are going really well. This is the natural ebb and flow of life. No one’s marriage is perfect. However, it’s when you can’t get back to a place of connecting with each other that there is a problem. But how do you know when it’s too late to save your marriage? What do you think?

Check out this article on Crosswalk for 10 signs it might be too late, and what steps to take if you and your spouse want to save the relationship: