God, I open my heart and soul to you and give you my all in guiding me in the right path for I am lost and need your help to find me and lead me where I need to be. The financial burden has overcome me and I know you know how hard it has become day by day as you have provided me with food little to stay above water but still, I am here and very grateful for the blessings you give me. Thank you Lord for all that you do for me it may be the little things people miss but I do see them all. My eyes are wide open and so is my heart. They are never half-shut. I trust in you to lead me where I need to be.
Thank you, Lord with all my heart and soul amen.
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Welcome, TeriT! Let’s pray:
Thank You for providing for TeriT’s daily needs in this difficult and dark time. Father, I lift us this prayer for direction today, knowing we all feel lost at times. The complicated seasons of life make it hard for us to understand the truth of who You are sometimes, God. So, remind us. Remind TeriT who You are, and provide encouragement and wisdom in this season of life. Continue to increase trust and grow faith in this precious soul, God. Provide and heal as only You can. In Jesus’ Name,