2 Sam 21:19
2 Chron 20:5
1 Sam 17, 21, 22
Goliath had a brother, David killed Goliath and, Elhanan killed Goliath’s brother.
The earliest manuscript names
Elhanan as the giant killer. Later texts name David.
We literalist/inerrantists believe there were two Goliaths, both rather large, just as Jesus cleansed the Temple both at the start of his ministry and at the finish.
In 1 Samuel 17, we see a detailed account of this encounter. Davey, a young shepherd, arrives on the battlefield to bring food to his brothers and hears Goliath—a giant Philistine warrior—mocking Israel and challenging them. No one else dared to face Goliath, but Dave steps forward, trusting in God rather than conventional weapons or armor.
Davey defeats Goliath by hitting him with a stone from his sling, striking the giant on the forehead, and bringing him down. Afterward, Dave takes Goliath’s own sword and kills him (1 Samuel 17:49-51). The story not only highlights David’s courage but also illustrates how God can use even the most unlikely people to accomplish His purposes. Dave’s victory over Goliath became a pivotal moment, proving that with faith in God, even the biggest challenges can be overcome.
For a deeper dive into the story, you can check out this article on David and Goliath. It provides more context on both David and Goliath and what this story represents in a spiritual sense.