Why don’t we see miracles as often today as were seen in the time of Jesus?

Why don’t we see miracles as often today as were seen in the time of Jesus?

Many wonder why modern times seem to lack the visible, awe-inspiring miracles of biblical accounts. This raises questions about whether miracles still occur but go unnoticed, or if God now works through subtler means like providence and the Holy Spirit.

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The Bible is filled with accounts of miraculous events—from the parting of the Red Sea in the Old Testament (Exodus 14:21-22) to the healings and resurrection performed by Jesus in the New Testament (Matthew 9:35; John 11:43-44). These acts demonstrated God’s power and revealed His glory to His people.

However, many wonder why we don’t seem to witness the same kind of miracles today. Could it be that miracles still happen, but we fail to recognize them? Or has the age of miracles passed, with God working more subtly through His providence and the Holy Spirit?

Let’s explore this together. Do you believe miracles still occur in the same way today? If so, how do we identify them? If not, why might God choose to work differently in our modern world?

The New Testament age is over. Reliance now is on faith, not miracles, signs, or laws.

Maybe we are not looking in the right places.
Every believer is a miracle. They have gone from death to life eternal.
Every baby is a miracle. God breathed into them their first breath of life
Oxygen is the miracle of photosynthesis.
Just because we know the process, and have a scientific name for it does not lessen it as a miracle. The process has a clear structure that shows an intelligence that created it.
A baby’s laugh. An infant is not old enough to understand humor.
So why do they laugh?
Could it be the joy that comes with innocence?
There are more miracles than you think.
Look further.


Surely, those are miracles, as are sunsets, etc.; however, I’m speaking of the miracles similar to those performed during the time of Jesus.

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When the Lord Jesus Christ walked with His disciples, He healed people, raised the dead, fed the hungry, taught, and what He did was a miracle. And what do you think happened? They crucified Him! They saw everything and crucified Him. Now, do you think people would believe if a miracle were shown to them? In my opinion, miracles have lost their significance.

We have within us the spirit. That is not the same as the fullness of the Logos, that became flesh and dwelled among us.

When the Word comes and fills a person, it comes with power. Not only in the case of Jesus, but there are many examples in scripture. When the Christ returns in a similar manner, we will witness similar miracles again.

Gas can cause a babies laugh. Same as pooping causes that little frown.

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Wait a minute.
Hold up now.
What about when the good rev. Sniley McMoneybegger comes on my TV and pulls people out of wheelchairs.
And we see them walk again.
That ain’t real???
That’s like a $500.00 healing.
Aches and pains are $200.00.
Emotional stress is $100.00 as it is less spectacular.
You mean that’s all fake to get people to give them money?
But the lady got up out of the wheelchair and walked.
She was pushing her chair across the stage.
None of that is real!?

Is it any wonder that people have a negative attitude towards Christianity after seeing that?
When I see someone proclaiming miracles at his will, I am extremely skeptical.
I know it doesn’t work that way.

My point is not all we see are real miracles.
I believe there are a lot that we don’t see.
All physical healing miracles are temporary.
In no way do I mean this unappreciative of miracles, but we will still die of something.
There is also a positive that comes from struggling with a physical ailment or condition.
You tend to appreciate each day.
You don’t take them for granted because you know they are not.
That’s part of the whole God working all things together for good stuff Paul wrote about.
