Will Assistance Program Budgets Be Cut?

Do you think we will see the budgets of Medicare, Medicaid, and other assistance programs slashed by the new administration?

Potential budget cuts to programs like Medicare and Medicaid spark widespread concern due to their impact on millions of Americans. How will the new administration’s decisions shape the future of these essential services? Let’s discuss. #Medicare #Medicaid #GovernmentPolicy #SocialPrograms #PoliticalDebate

With every new administration, there are always questions about changes to key programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and other assistance initiatives. These programs impact millions of Americans, so potential budget cuts often spark strong opinions and concerns.

What are your thoughts? Do you believe the new administration will move to significantly reduce funding for these programs?

Yes. Unless the new administration plans to not keep its promises. Oz has made it clear that those who are uninsured deserve little in healthcare. SS retirement is in danger- even though it is our money, not a handout. And I stress of policing Medicaid, chopping ot is the threat. I live in a state where even with terminal cancer and crippling arthritis, I can’t get help since stated set their own guidelines and my government isTrump red. Paying medical bills has destroyed my savings and I am now having to consider selling my house that I paid off years ago then try to live off of that till the end while kind friends allow me to live with them.

So laugh and joke about it. The Christian response I hear most these days. Get sick before retirement age and try to keep up paying insurance with air.or after years of paying medical debt of a spouse or child with a horrific illness.

Which would be worse, cutting SSR and other social programs and whole federal departments, or total collapse where some other country takes over because we can never pay our debt? A very hard question! Early America never provided for government disaster relief, or a department of commerce, interior, health and human services, food and drug admin, etc. It could barely afford a standing army. We may have to go back to family and church efforts to help the poor. The reality is that our government is broke. At some point the world will realize that we can never pay our debts, and stop offering loans.

Early American colonies DID provide assistance. Look through old court records from the colonial period.

Paying debt is not the highest moral calling. Caring for citizens is. Not a hard question.

I believe it is caring for citizens that has put the US in such debt. It is why the national debt keeps growing. Yes we must care for citizens, but so much of what the US government has taken in as it’s responsibility is not necessary. The church and families must care for American citizens, and relieve the government of what simply adds to her debt. The US has to get loans from other countries to not only care for her citizens, but to pay its own debt. Just paying the interest on money we use for caring for the citizens is now more than we can do. In other areas we need to tighten our belt. Stop managing our forests and lands, stop giving money for natural disasters, stop administrating energy, managing food and drugs stop helping businesses with incentives, stop our space program, stop building roads and bridges, etc. All these things seem essential, but the young US of say 1800, did not have most of them. We might not survive without them, but we surely will not if we collapse under our debt.

Wow. What’s next? Euthanize for the elderly and crippled? Take their checks?

We must not borrow so we can do more. The church, families and individuals must take up the slack when our government cannot afford to do more. We must do what we can out of love for those around us, and from the resources that God provides us. Government is not our Savior. God is!.

We all have household budgets based on our income. We cannot endlessly borrow money to keep our budget. We must plan. So much for shelter, so much for necessities, so much for entertainment, so much for big ticket items that cost more than we make, so much for emergencies, and so much for investment and retirement. Its not easy. Sometimes, we have to borrow. But we make the borrowing once in a while rather than constantly. Then we work to pay the borrowed amount; and sometimes we have to take entertainment $ and use them to pay necessities $. That’s just the way life is.
But we can do it
Why is it that the United States Congress cannot?
The numbers may be factors larger. But the basic principle works with any budget.
So why can’t Congress balance and keep to a budget?
They don’t want to.
Its that simple.

Therefore, we the American people need to speak with our vote.

Fix this or we will vote you outta there and put someone in who will.


I think social justice is imperative. The outcome of social justice is equity, not equality.

Biblical justice is even more imperative for those of us who were called and are saved.

“He has told thee oh man what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, act kindly (mercy) and to walk humbly with thy God.” Micah 6:8. The outcome of Biblical justice is not equity but we are equal in our citizenship as Believers. Rather the outcome is the proclamation of the gospel.

When America has their priorities straight we won’t have to ask this question and unless the Lord Christ tarries, we might have the chance to repent as a nation. 2 Chronicals 7:14