Christ – about the fact that His disciples will not find understanding in the world (12:49-53) (Matt. 10:34-36)
Luke 12:49-53. To be a disciple of Christ means sometimes not to find understanding even in one’s own family. In this sense, He says that He came to bring not peace to the earth… but division: for some will accept His teaching, while others will reject it. He likens His teaching to a “consuming” fire (I came to cast fire on the earth… – verse 49). Jesus fervently desired that His work be accomplished in this world with all its power and wished that it had already been ignited!
His life and death will become the foundation of His judgment upon Israel. This judgment, like fire, will purify the people of Israel. By the baptism with which He must be baptized, Jesus undoubtedly referred to His suffering and death on the cross of Golgotha (and how I am distressed until it is accomplished!).
Let us note that the “division” in families, which Christ speaks of in verse 51, continues to this day. Believing Jews in Christ are particularly subjected to “ostracism” from their close ones and friends. But for anyone who wishes to be His follower, it is necessary to accept this.