You would think they would allow you to post for free

If you are trying to bring more people to Jesus, how about you that without making people pay to be a “Plus” Member.

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Consider it a tithe! And the cost ins nominal.

Kryon sets his membership fees at a reasonable amount so that people who cannot afford to pay are to join.

They have to keep the lights on.

With the sound of that Disney song from Muana…

You’re welcome

I have yet to see anything requiring payment.


That’s because it is free now.

I only just noticed that some of these topics are more than a few months old… in context I guess that makes sense then!

Yep, that’s why. It used to be behind a paywall and part of the Crosswalk Plus subscription.

Crosswalk Plus is $50 a year.
I don’t understand why I need to pay to read the articles.

Hey there!

Thank you for reaching out! We’ve recently introduced a new subscription option called PLUS across all of our editorial websites. While some articles will be behind a subscription paywall and require a login to read in full, most of our content will still be free and accessible to everyone.

The PLUS subscription comes with three different tiers, which can be paid monthly or yearly. These subscriptions offer an ad-free experience and exclusive access to PLUS content.

PLUS articles are easily identifiable by a PLUS tag next to the article title. If you click on one, you’ll be able to read a preview before seeing a prompt for the subscription options.

We understand this may not be for everyone, so we’re committed to keeping a good balance, ensuring plenty of free content remains available.

Thank you for your understanding and your feedback. We truly appreciate it!

Best regards,

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I understand
I just think if we are reading Christian articles to help us in our journey they should ALL be free.
I get that books are out there and yes I know they aren’t free. But this is a newsletter to help us in our journeys.

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Crosswalk is part of a large business. The goal is to make a profit.

And feed families… that’s kinda on my list. :wink:

For some reason my kids like to eat. I tell them that if the grass is good enough for the goats then it is good enough for them. They don’t agree.

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And food would not be on the table if your employer was not making a profit. :+1:t2:

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Happy to join! I’ll give it a go.

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Sign up for Crosswalk PLUS here

I signed up Fritz… but I don’t really see any signs that it makes a difference.

What should I be seeing?

When you go to you should see the option to login. This will give you access to premium content and you should no longer see ads on the site.

Also, I’ve added you to the PLUS group here in forums so you should have an adfree experience here as well.

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Well there it is… Thank you Fritz.

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