Creation and Evolution

Hopefully this folder is okay.

Discuss why Believers disagree on this topic. Understand that disagreement may hinge on whether individuals Christians see the Bible as literal or inspired.

Questions to ask as you reply:

Have I prayed about this topic?

Are my sources credible? (Scholars fired from an academic setting for plagiarism or other academic dishonesty would not be acceptable, nor would a scholar whose field or research is far from the subjects of biology or biblical criticism)

Do different scripture translations agree in the word studies?

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I’m going to ask a dumb question. Why do you believe in evolution? What led up to your belief in evolution? Why do you think that the bible doesn’t have anything to do with science?

Not a dumb question.

Scientific research and collected data. This is commonly available with a Google search, if you don’t want to read entire books on the topic. Documentation from credible experts whose work is scrutinized by others in the field.

Ancient writers of scripture did not have the knowledge needed to understand change over time. They used what they did have to create a framework for beginnings.

Trying to disprove evolution with scripture cheapens the Bible and detracts from its purpose: to give us all we need to live for God. It gives us guidelines, analogies, and examples to follow. The Bible is not a science book. It also can’t tell us about baseball, clocks, electricity because the writers had no knowledge of these things and because that is not the purpose of the scripture.

I believe the Bible is inspired by God but written by humans. It wasn’t dictated word for word to the writers.

That word ‘inspired’ could, from the original Greek, be rendered as ‘God breathed.’

The book of Genesis is a book of history. God gave us the book of Genesis so that we could see the origin of sin and the need for God’s redemption. And to say that using the bible to disprove evolution cheapens the bible, is erroneous. It’s the equivalent of saying that God doesn’t care about how we think we came about, and He does.

Genesis is not a history at all. It is an attempt to explain how humans came about, using what people saw at the time.

Evolution is the study of change over time. How creatures evolve. Why would anyone take a very detailed, nuanced field of study and try to dismiss it with a small amount of scripture ? Is God unable to use evolution in His world building?

Should God have explained in detail how it works to the writers? Or did He give them the limited knowledge their minds could understand- much like the sun standing still in Joshua? None of this changed the majesty and usefulness of the Bible. Evolution is a more detailed account.

So, was God lying when he said through Paul that all scripture was inspired by God? Remember, in Paul’s time, the Old Testament (OT) was scripture; it was the only scripture they had.

No, He isn’t. But God chose not to. Case closed.

I think it would be important to the conversation to have you define “evolution” which you’ve mentioned as ‘change over time.’ Defined with such simplicity, you’d probably find that most Christians would agree that ‘the world’ does change over time. Geology, geography, languages, attitudes, practices, technology, ideas and even whole nations… all of these things you could say “evolve.”

But that is much different than saying that we came from a speck of bacteria carried on a space rock that learned to swim and then walk and then fly and then order a Big Mac.

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I’m not sure if you were talking to @Historyprof or me, but my definition of evolution is:

Starting out as a simple life form and gradually changing into a more complex one; the opposite of instantaneous creation as described in Genesis.

I was speaking to @Historyprof - the one who used the term ‘change over time.’

-but I should have replied to that post directly for clarity.

The way you define evolution is much different than the way @Historyprof did, which is why I asked for further explanation, rather than making an assumption.

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You are ignoring science in favor of poor exegesis. Case closed.

I put it in basic terms so a homeschooled child who may never have studied evolution without prejudice can understand it.

I have also, in another thread, recommended books and a s identification journal to read.

Or-- you could just address the premise posed…

I think it would be important to the conversation to have you define “evolution” which you’ve mentioned as ‘change over time.’

Is this all you mean by invoking the term “evolution?” Or something else?

I was given the basic overview of evolution without prejudice. I reached my own conclusions by remembering what I learned in Sunday School. My dad and grandad referred me to AIG and ICR for scientific backup.

I greatly appreciate the stereotyping and prejudice, ma’am. I’m a teenager just like you once were.

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The OP talks about use of credible sources. Those two groups have been discounted for claims that have been proven false. Please show some scientists with credible backgrounds who can support your claims.

Ken Hamm is not in that category. He had lost every debate with an actual scientist he has participated in- and made Christians look stupid since he represents a portion of us but certainly not most.

Sure, give me a moment.

ICR Science Team | The Institute for Creation Research

These guys are qualified all right. If I remember correctly, Brian Tomas actually is a former evolutionist. I’ll see if I can find his testimony for you.

I know you are and I once thought like you do now. I went to a very, very strict a Christian school and was taught incorrectly in most every subject. The school hired pastors instead of educators. This made the first year if college rough.

I was also taught that all Christians believed what I was being taught. When I later found out the truth, it took a while to work through the damage.

Here it is: Creation Conversion: The Turning Point | The Institute for Creation Research (