Days After (Annihilation)-- a fun thread

I’ll never forget Mr Puckett-- my 9th grade Social Studies teacher. He was unlike any teacher I’d ever had before or since and maybe it’s partly due to this uniqueness that I remember him so vividly. He was of short stature, but barrel-chested, and he had a crewcut hairstyle as if he was a Marine (but this was Canada, so that’s pretty unlikely).

Anyways-- Puckett kind of went ‘off the reservation’ in our class, and now, looking back- I doubt that his lesson plan was part of any sanctioned curriculum, but who knows for sure? Mr Puckett had lost his wife in a car accident when a vehicle swerved into their lane and his wife (as he told it) threw herself between him and the steering wheel, saving his life while sacrificing hers. It changed him.

So the following Fall session, he told us (his class) that we were going to do a “social experiment” for our Social Studies class. We were tasked with imagining ourselves survivors of a plane crash-- isolated and lost in the arctic tundra, with no one coming for us. What do we do? How are we going to stay alive?

And so began our semester of learning. A group of 25 of us… stranded in a barren landscape.

So in this thread-- imagine yourself a survivor. It’s been done a hundred times in movies-- a pandemic sweeps the earth and wipes most of mankind out- but YOU and a handful of others survive. An asteroid strikes and only small pockets of life make it underground to avoid devastation. Or war seizes upon us and the unthinkable happens…

And that’s how the class began. Mr Puckett would then give us a series of various scenarios that would require us to think through the situation and explain what we would do next, and why.

What would you do first? Most of us immediately thought to seek shelter and other people… What would you do?

“It is not good that man should be alone.” Genesis 2:18

It’s part of our software-- part of our hardware, even… it’s how we are wired, how we were made and completely natural for us to want to be together. To be part of a group is a desire perhaps, but to come together and to propagate is a necessity-- something for the good of a man, and the good of mankind.

And so, as a survivor-- I’m out in search of --a mate-- Is this a priority? Maybe not in terms of immediacy. I need shelter and perhaps protection, and to begin I’m looking for anyone, anywhere- who can help me achieve these goals and supply these needs, but in terms of a future? How will humanity survive, beyond my existence if I am alone?