Share your personal stories of dreams where deceased loved ones appear, often bringing comfort, closure, or messages of love in this forum. Discuss whether this is the presence of a loved one’s spirit or that such dreams are a natural part of the grieving process, where the mind processes loss and memories. #DreamsOfLovedOnes#SpiritualVisitation#MessagesInDreams#LovedOnesInDreams#SpiritualDreams#CrosswalkCom
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A close family friend unexpectedly passed away almost a year and a half ago, so all of the grieving rituals and events to honor his life are long over - but a few weeks ago I had the most vivid dream with him in it and he said something very kind and inspiring about my current life situation. In this dream I knew that he was dead and so this must be a dream - so I hugged him, knowing that might be the last time I got to. When I hugged him, every other person in the dream turned and looked at us - it was very alarming. It’s been weeks and I’m still thinking about it. Was that just some subconscious grief being worked out in my dream or do you believe it could have really been him visiting to tell me something I needed to hear? I’ve gone back and forth.
Let me ask you this core question, concerning your beliefs. --You know that your friend is physically dead. Do you believe that a person’s spirit lives on beyond their physical death?
Dreams are a window through which we see a glimpse of the spiritual realm. I say, that if a person doesn’t believe in dreams, they don’t believe in scripture, because scripture is a collection of dreams… it’s full of stories about them.
However, believing in dreams and understanding dreams are two entirely different things. If you’d like help with the latter you can ask for it and I’d be happy to have a look. Post your dreams here>>>
I never offer unsolicited insight, but if asked I would need to know the details of your dream as vividly as you are able to describe it.
I definitely believe that this friend is in heaven - he fully dedicated his life to Christ. I’ll comment a detailed account of my dream on that thread, thank you!
There are numerous scriptures in both Testaments the tell us that when we die, we never return to this earthly realm. If you see a dead relative or friend in a dream that gives reassuring advice, even criticism, it is your subconscious speaking to you.
There are also scriptures that warn against believing what is told to us by “ghosts” and spirits, as these are demons trying to lead us astray.
The only spirit that is from heaven, GOD, is the Holy Spirit. He speaks to us in a quiet voice, usually.
Job 7:9-10, Psalm 146:4, Hebrews 9:27, Luke 16:19-31
There are also prohibitions from seeking out mediums and such, because they relay messages not from our loved ones, but from demons in the guise of familiar spirits. That is where I get my caution about listening to earthly apparitions.
No Angels are Angels. They are Messengers from God. When you see one you will know because they introduce themselves, just as in the Annunciation to Mary and to the shepherds of Christ birth.
There are also cherubim and seraphim, which are royal guardians. Here is a good YouTube video by We Huff on the subject, though most of the talk is on the Book of Enoch.
If you don’t recognize angels as spirits there’s little hope of having any kind of a meaningful conversation with you about something you are clearly misinformed about.
You point to Hebrews, but apparently don’t accept what it says—
Angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.