Do Christians need to keep the law?
How about people of Jewish decent?
Do Christians need to keep the law?
How about people of Jewish decent?
We are under grace, Christ freed us from legalism. Some people want to be under the law and pretend to be Jewish, however.
But didn’t Jesus keep the law? If he did, shouldn’t we or at least those of Jewish decent?
Gentiles were considered unclean, but some followers ministered to them anyway We can, without fault, eat pork and shellfish, travel far on the Sabbath, turn on the coffee maker, and enjoy grace over the laws of Judaism. We were never under the law- and we should not put ourselves under rules made for a different religion. Jesus was a Jew- Gentile Christians are not.
Yes, Jesus did keep the law, but remember even though it was Jesus who freed us from the law He lived during the time of the law as it were. As a Jew He had to keep the law to be a perfect sacrifice. When He died, broke the curse of the law, reconciled people to God, He ushered in the age of grace. Paul explains this in Galatians. Now we are in the age of grace.