You still shouldn’t judge all churches based on the experiences of one. I can guarantee that the church I belong to would never treat anyone like that, and I’ve been going there for over 20 years.
It was not based on one but three different churches. The first time my family was severely hurt by a church was 20 years ago. We left that church and found another one. My wife was asked to be the children’s director. She did that for fourteen years and then through gossip and false accusations, the pastor fires her. That pastor eventually repented years later but the damage had been done. We found another church and this time they went after my son. I am done. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The American church is too corrupt and I think is too far gone.
Sorry to hear about your situation. There are some decent churches left.
We need to be careful what church or shepherds we study with.
Hosea chapter 4
Through thou, Israel, play the harlot, yet let not Judah offebd. Do not come to gilgal, nor go up to Beth aven, nor swear an oath, saying, as the Lord lives
Beth aven means House of nothing. Because Gods word isn’t taught there. Its more of social gatherings or the pastor or Minister teaches traditions of men. The congregations are spiritually dead, bibillcy illiterate. There not nourished Gods word.
Hosea chapter 5
Hear this, you priests, pay, attention, you Israel, listen royal house, this judgement is against you. You have been snare at mizpah, a net spread out at Tabor,
The shepherds are accountable to Jesus. God is tired of the hirelings lying and misleading people. Passover is communion, Christian people do in April once year. Easter is pagan and heathen, it is insult to Jesus.
Some churches practice absolution. They have confessions booths set up for preists to to hear confession. Only Jesus can forgive sins !!
There are dead churches and some good churches.
They will not frame thier doings to turn unto thier God, for the Spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them, and they have not known the Lord.
Christian people must be Doers of the word, James chapter 1, not hearers only deceiving your own selves. Some Christians are play actors, lip service, it’s just social functions to them.
Some priests, and pastors have failed God and there community. Not teaching sound doctrine and putting people interest first. False doctrine is poison pills.
They shall go with their flocks, and with thier herds to seek the Lord, but they shall not find him, he has withdrawn himself from them.
I’m not judging anyone or knocking churches down.
But some refuse to repent. And some people actually enjoy being lied to by hirelings. There not sincere about serving Jesus, and obedience.
Its not once week, Christian people study Bible every day. We Carry our every day, and follow Jesus direction. We’re doers of the word.
I won’t sugar coat Gods word.
Lot of people, and hirelings have turned thier backs on God.
When we look at the context of congregation. Its infant babies on milk. They lack knowledge of God’s word. They’re spiritually dead. I’m not talking down to anyone.
The motives must be pure. Not about money or noriety. Gods word must take first priority.
We’re warned not to go to Beth aven.
Bethel means house of God.
Just getting back to this discussion.
The primary point I was trying to make is that knowing that the people in any church are sinful, it isn’t the people you should be focused on. Find a church where the Gospel is preached and Personal Salvation is taught. Every church out there WILL have people that you will probably make sure you’re sitting on the other side of the sanctuary. Your focus shouldn’t be on THEM it should be on God and the message being given. If I thought you lived anywhere near Anderson Indiana, I would offer a personal invite to FaithChurch, Anderson. Here is this morning’s message by our senior pastor Walt Weaver.